PXE my Linux
Wie mit Hilfe des grml-Terminalservers ein alter Rechner ohne Bootmedium in die Linux-Welt geholt werden konnte.
Continue reading "PXE my Linux"Wie mit Hilfe des grml-Terminalservers ein alter Rechner ohne Bootmedium in die Linux-Welt geholt werden konnte.
Continue reading "PXE my Linux"I am one of the guys who builds Linux kernels locally, from vanilla sources. What I don't like in this approach is that I do not get the distribution patches and might miss one of the kernel security patches, since I am way too busy to keep track of LKML any more. otoh, I am kind of a version number junkie when it comes to the kernel, so the Debian kernel sources even in sid frequently are not current enough. So, what I want to have is a compromise between a vanilla kernel and the Debian distribution kernels, built in a way that the images integrate well with Debian.
This article contains a few questions and wishes directed towards the Debian kernel team.
Continue reading "Thoughts about the Debian kernel"Der SPAR-Markt in Sichtweite des Büros, bei dem wir uns über Mittags oft mit Verpflegung (heute: Drei Paprika, 500g Joghurt) eindecken, hat neue Kassen.
Kein Wincor Nixdorf, und in den Displays sieht man deutlich einen Pinguin mit "intel inside" auf dem Bauch. Über das eine freue ich mich, das andere ist mir weitgehend wurschd.
20% [1 Packages 24266/117kB 20%] 1689B/s 54s
That's actually worse than it was with the old box.
Today, over the day, access to security.debian.org was intermittent as usual in the last few weeks. But this afternoon, things suddenly got much worse. All my cron-apt installations on and behind firewalls began to yell at me that securiy.debian.org was completely unreachable.
But. Wait. I don't know that IP address. I don't know the host name tartini.debian.org.
Once again, the solution was found in Joey's Blog. Apparently, security.debian.org was moved to the new host, and everything is fine.
Nearly everything.
UPDATE: There has been an Announcement, but not where I would have expected it. The IP address hasn't been mentioned there, though, and that announcement wasn't signed.
UPDATE: There has been one more change to the IP addresses of security.debian.org: It now seems to be round-robin DNS of three hosts. While this is now a real advance compared to the old situation, it has - again - been unannounced to the public. And I get a free trip around my firewalls for the second time in 24 hours. Thanks, guys - I'd surely be twiddling my thumbs otherwise.
Continue reading "Delegates, Communicate!"Vor einem Monat hat ajt Usertags und User Categories angekündigt.
Damit wird die Behandlung komplexer Packages im BTS einfacher, weil man eigene Struktur in die Bugreports bringen kann. Hoffentlich reicht das Featureset, um meine unabhängig vom BTS im Debian Wiki geführten Webseiten zur Bugklassifikation in die Tonne treten zu können. Die Zeit wird das zeigen.
Jurij Smakov et al have published the Debian Linux Kernel Handbook, which will help in documenting the internals of the Debian Linux Kernel build process. The document is still work in progress with a lot of sections missing, but it's a giant step in the right direction.
Continue reading "Debian Linux Kernel Handboook"
if [ -n "$NOISE" ]; then
NOISETMP=`tempfile --directory "/tmp" --prefix "aidenoise"`
NOISETMP2=`tempfile --directory "/tmp" --prefix "aidenoise"`
sed -n "1,/^Detailed information about changes:/p; "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE" | grep "^\\(changed|removed|added\\):" | grep -v "^added: THERE WERE ALSO [0-9]\\+ FILES ADDED UNDER THIS DIRECTORY" > $NOISETMP2
if [ -n "$NOISE" ]; then
< $NOISETMP2 grep -v "^\\(changed|removed|added\\):$NOISE" > $NOISETMP
rm -f $NOISETMP2
echo "De-Noised output removes everything matching $NOISE"
echo "No noise expression was given."
Too bad that a shell doesn't complain about unreachable code. I must have smoked some very strange stuff when submitting that patch to aide years ago.