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Late Happy Birthday, #405040

Sometimes, it is nearly as frustrating to use Debian than it is to use commercial software. For example, when one sees a simple bug completely unreacted on for more than one year. #405040 has passed its first anniversary since it was reported and touched for the last time. Visible reaction of the package maintainer: Nil.

It's a small thing, but an annoying one. And I still consider it unacceptable to let bugs rot for a year without the slightest trace of action.


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Carsten Hey on :

Hi, should do what you need. It does not depend on nagios.

Providing a patch may help if this bug is really important for you, package maintainers seem to work faster when they only need to apply patches instead of writing them. ;-)

Regards, Carsten

Marc 'Zugschlus' Haber on : should do what you need. It does not depend on nagios.

Looks good, I'll try it in the next days.

Providing a patch may help if this bug is really important for you, package maintainers seem to work faster when they only need to apply patches instead of writing them. ;-)

How many packages do you maintain, and what does make you think that I do not know how to maintain packages and to treat bug reporters?

fatal on :

No reaction for a year is bad? Try seven years with patch available and no comment from any maintainer.....

IMNSHO Debian really needs a BTS Death Squad that goes through the bts and nmus packages with patches available (yes, even non-rc bugs) and at the same time larts maintainers who prentends to be maintaining stuff when they are really just hogging the package to not let anyone else fix them.

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