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Works with a more recent card as well

Today, I had the opportunity to try my UMTS initialization mechanism that I built this weekend with more recent hardware, a newer Option Globetrotter 3G Express Card with Vodafone branding (reporting itself to be a "Globetrotter HSDPA Modem" with Vendor ID 0xaf0 and Product ID 0x6701). To get the card connected to my test Notebook, a hp compaq nc8000, I had a "Expresscard in a PC card slot" adapter and a passive "Expresscard at a normal USB port" adapter. The USB adapter had cost about ten Euros, and I don't imagine the PC card adapter to be much more expensive.

The later Option card is recognized as three USB-connected serial ports by the Option kernel driver (CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_OPTION) as the older one is, and it works just fine. The only difference is that the udev rule needs a different value for the ATTRS{modalias} setting. My umts-pin script complains about an "illegal seek" after entering the PIN, but the card registers itself with the network nevertheless. Both gammu to send SMS and pppd for IP connectivity worked out of the box.

Especially the "Expresscard-to-USB" adapter setup is very sexy for setups where neither an Expresscard nor a PC Card slot is available, and USB cables can be nice and long. So one could even mount the UMTS interface near the window and pull a longer USB cable to the actual system. I decided on putting the UMTS interface into a notebook, though, and mount the notebook near the window to be able to monitor the monitoring systems and send out SMS even when the whole datacenter is without power (by virtue of the notebook having a built-in UPS).


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