Disclaimer: I am not comfortable with technical documents in my native language, German. I generally find German translations of technical stuff clumsy, overly complicated and badly worded. I might have a "special" feeling for the language, but some output of translators is just too bad to tolerate.
For example, I constantly keep stumbling over the german translation of the Debian security team FAQ, which I consider horrendously badly done. Especially the use of the german word "Gutachten", which basically means "opinion" in the legal sense (as the document produced by an expert called by a court of law) to translate "advisory" is a very very bad choice. My toes curl when I read the german version.
In April 2005, I suggested to the German translation team to review the translation of the security team FAQ. I might not have chosen the right wording for that request, but besides a lot of flamage and "the translation is just fine", I received the usual "send a patch". Which I did in April 2005.
No answer. In October 2005, I asked again, and received answer from the translator that my patch was just too intrusive. Well, a bad translation was rewritten, and the bad translation is still being used.
Consequences for me? I'm not going to bother any more about German translations. English is just fine, and when somebody needs a German translation, I'm going to translate the stuff myself. Pointing people to the official German translations is just too embarrassing. A pity.
After over two years without a release, and after having release candidates in experimental since October, aide 0.11 was released a few days ago, and I have just uploaded 0.11-1 to unstable. This time, I even haven't forgotten to use the -v option to svn-buildpackage to have the changelog entries for the package versions uploaded to experimental in the unstable upload notice as well.
aide is the Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment, a program which compares the real state of the file system with a database which holds various file attributes such as inode data and/or cryptographic checksums. In 2005, the Debian maintainer of aide, Mike Markley, has accepted me as a co-maintainer, and since I have done the biggest part of the work in the last months, I have adopted the package as responsible maintainer in January 2006. Mike is still listed in Uploaders and can commit to our alioth svn, though.
Well, after reconfiguring my blog on Debian Planet, a few old articles have shown up again. Most probably the Planet had forgotten about having seen these articles before I left Planet weeks ago.
It isn't so bad, since most of the articles are still current - adduser is still beingn worked on, exim4 needs GnuTLS knowhow desperately, and clamav-data packages are still being built automatically for volatile.
Since leavingplanet.debian.org, I have moved my blog to my own s9y installation on my own server, and am thus able to debug s9y and to make modifications to my installation.
I am therefore returning to Planet, and hope that my blog won't cause any dupes any more.
Die Kategorie "Debian-Package of the Week" habe ich umbenannt in "Ausgesuchte Debian-Packages", weil ich den angestrebten wöchentlichen Rhythmus drastisch verfehle.