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Geek Light

Das ist doch mal ein schönes Ergebnis:

Geek Light
You scored 34% geek!
Tastes great, less filling. You're the kind of geek that can pass under the radar of polite society. You probably like your computer, and can't go without checking your email. You live alone, or with roommates, and you have one or two hobbies that are considered "geeky".

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 49% on geekiness

Link: The What's your Geek Level? Test written by dingus93 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Gefunden bei Mela.


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Damit kann ich leben. Gefunden bei zugschlus. Geek Light You scored 32% geek! Tastes great, less filling. You're the kind of geek that can pass under the radar of polite society. You probably like your computer, and can't go without checkin

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The Nerd You scored 48% geek! Congratulations. You're accepted within the geek community. They allow you to roam their message boards and peruse their chat rooms without attacking you. You

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Geek LightYou scored 34% geek! Tastes great, less filling. You're the kind of geek that can pass under the radar of polite society. You probably like your computer, and can't go without checking your email. You live alone, or with roommates, and you ha


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