Bye bye KDE?

I have been using current KDE since most of my Linux time (having converted over from WindowMaker to KDE 2 back in 2002). But currently, I am seriously pondering to ditch KDE since KDE upstream seems to be wildly decided to kill KDE.

I have accidentally upgraded my desktop box to KDE4 because I missed putting KDE on hold before doing a major sid update after a couple of months. KDE4's first regression immediately showed itself - the right display doesn't get any attention from KDE. It just shows up in a grey checkerboard background, it doesn't have a panel, it doesn't have a menu, right click doesn't work. It looks like the only thing one can do with it is dragging windows onto it.

With help of #debian-kde, I quickly found out about this bug in Upstream Bugzilla, which is referred from #529487 and which was marked as Duplicate of this bug in upstream bugzilla, which is one and a half years old and was marked as "severity wishlist".

Despite the splendid job that the Debian KDE team has done to sort out the KDE4 mess, it looks like KDE upstream has managed to break Dual Head Setups for one and a half years and doesn't seem to be too interested in providing KDE4 in a way that it can be compared with past versions. This is very sad and will have me shopping for a new desktop environment soon, I am afraid.

Maybe it was not a so good idea to take away KDE 3 so soon and it might have been better to keep KDE 3 in Debian. Maybe it's time to re-introduce KDE 3 as co-installable packages? I would be willing to participate in this effort as a team member.

Which other Desktop Environments and/or Window Managers should I be shopping for? I'd like to have:

  • Dual-Head support (preferably with the possibility to switch desktops only on one display, but that's something that even KDE 3 cannot do yet)
  • Shortcuts like "gg:search words" or "wp:search words" to immediately open google, wikipedia, the BTS or the PTS
  • Overlapping windows that are not automatically resized
  • A terminal like konsole which allows me to have different session in tabs and to send my input to all tabs
  • A clipboard handler that will automatically pop up a window asking me whether I want to open the URL that I just marked in a browser
  • Integration with the Debian menu system
  • I will try adding to this list over the next days when I notice a feature that I have accustomed to so badly that I don't even notice any more when I'm using it. down

In Ermangelung eines besser geeigneten Mediums: Der von mir administrierte Server ist derzeit down; das Rescuesystem des Hosters scheint zu versagen. Ticket ist offen; ich hoffe, dass es dieses Wochenende noch was wird mit einer genaueren Betrachtung durch den Hoster.

Leider sind die Usermailinglisten auf der Maschine selbst gehostet.

Nachtrag: Entweder hat der Support des Hosters innerhalb einer Stunde gespurt (bisher keine Rückmeldung) oder ich war zu ungeduldig. Jedenfalls war die Kiste dann knapp anderthalb Stunden nach der dritten Rescue-Anforderung wieder am Netz und ich konnte meinen eigenen Fehler beheben.