Statler & Waldorf rechnet mit den Einwänden gegen die Steuervorschläge des Finanzexperten im Wahlkampfteam der Union, Paul Kirchhof, ab. Während ich Statler & Waldorf in den meisten Fällen zustimmen kann, geht ein Punkt der Abrechnung am Ziel vorbei.
While browsing Debian Planet, I happened to have the desire to comment on one article innutmeg's Blog. What I found was a blog I couldn't comment on, but one whose format I know pretty well: It looks suspiciously like a Debian changelog. nutmeg then told me that he uses a script from Romain Francoise which indeed builds an RSS feed from a Debian changelog to feed his blog to Debian Planet.
This is something I love Debian for. Use existing tools for new challenges. Well done.