upstream version numbers and uscan
I have just experienced a nightmare with a watch file. The phpmyadmin upstream dumps all released files onto a single web page, and they use version numbering a.b.c-foon, which “foo” being beta, rc, or pl, and of couse a.b.c for a release version.
This has resulted in the following (probably incorrect) watch file
opts=“uversionmangle=s/0\.tar/0-5.tar/;s/beta/0./;s/rc/1./;s/pl/9./,dversionmangle=s/0\.tar/0-5.tar/;s/beta/0./;s/rc/1./;s/pl/9./” (?:.*/)?phpMyAdmin-([-0-9\.a-z]+)\.tar.gz$ 2.7.0-pl2 uupdate
As Germans say: “Gesundheit”